To practice safe diving, you should take into account these tips that can help you minimize risks. However, if you really want to enjoy diving in a new place, safely and without having to worry about some of these points, it is certainly best to join a Tour, where there are specialized people.
Safe diving: Temperature
Since you will be exposed to the water temperature for an extended period of time, it is essential to know in advance what the thermal conditions are. On the other hand, while it may not be necessary for all locations, it is a good idea to know in advance if the water will be excessively hot or too cold.
As a result, fortunately there are special suits to be used in unique situations such as water temperature. This includes dry suits and other equipment that can help improve your safe diving experience and protect you from hypothermia.
Checking the material
This is something routine you should always do. Check that all your material (and that of your classmates) works correctly. We have to avoid that some element is losing air, that the tank is not well-loaded or that some part does not close properly.
Trying to go in small groups

Although going in a group can give some security, the truth is that a group that is too large can be difficult for the instructor to control. Try to go in a group of maximum 6-8 people.
Drinking plenty of water
Our body loses a lot of water while we dive. Therefore, it is very important that we drink a lot of water before and after each dive.
Dizziness pills
Many of the dives involve a boat trip. Consequently, the balancing is usually considerable and some people get dizzy. Take pills if you think it can happen to you. Although vomiting underwater is completely possible, it is not exactly a fun experience.
As part of your dive training, they will have taught you that you will need to have a certain amount of extra weight to help you stay underwater. Certainly, that is why part of your diving equipment includes a weight belt, which will help you stay submerged.
Therefore, it is very important that you find out exactly how much weight you need to have on your belt, to make a safe dive. During the dive it will be very difficult to climb to the surface to bring more weights. Above all, you should always verify this before packing your equipment.
Sea conditions
Depending on the condition of the sea, it could be very difficult to enter or exit the water safely. This could lead to a potentially dangerous situation. Therefore, it is very important that you are fully aware of the weather conditions before boarding the boat.
Weather conditions do not usually change dramatically in minutes. Consequently, it is always possible to review the weather data beforehand so as not to be surprised.
Dive place
Knowing in advance specific details about the dive place is highly recommended. It is never a good idea to think that we can handle any unforeseen situation that arises. You should always have contact with an expert who can help you and can show you the area. This is the best way to minimize risks and have a safer experience.
Partner Preparation

Above all, you must ensure that the person who will dive with you is equally prepared. You should never dive alone, so having a partner who dominates aspects of diving is extremely important. In addition, you should remember that in case something goes wrong, your partner will be the person who can help you. Therefore, it is important that both are in a good level of preparation.
Controlling panic
A large number of diving accidents occur without doubt due to panic. That is, when we panic and do not know what to do, we tend to make bad decisions. No matter what happens, relax, close your eyes if necessary, breathe and think. Remember what you have learned and act to solve the possible problem.
Keeping calm
Diving is not a race. It is not about arriving faster than others. Therefore, move slowly. In addition, you will save energy, air, and you can enjoy the environment better. The most important thing is that when ascending, never climb faster than your bubbles.